Saturday, 15 August 2015

No Strings Attached

No Strings Attached

The bar was filled with lost souls 
Drinking to forget something 
And some just sitting there lost in the oblivion 
I ordered a Jack just to kill the thoughts in my mind 

With the first sip of the golden elixir
i could not help but think about you  
How my life has been ever since I met you
I never thought that something good can ever happen to me in this life 

You were an epitome of love 
Bouncing here and there just to spread smiles 
Funny how i met you 
And all you did was reveal myself to me 

I was a lost soul 
searching for a meaning to my life 
Then our paths crossed and you helped me to understand myself 
You unleashed different shades of me for the world to see

You stood there watching me from the sidelines 
Just to know how have I progressed 
You held me together when I was losing it 
You made me overcome my panic attacks just see me normal again 

And tonight as I wait for you to come 
I can only imagine how lucky am I 
To sleep next to one of the most beautiful soul I ever met 
And to think how lucky am I to have your heart vested in my soul intact 

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