Wednesday, 23 December 2015

What If We Ruin It All

What If We Ruin It All

I had struggled to get hold of my life;
With the world acting like a planet full of sinners, 
I never thought my faith would ever be restored, 
And my heart would ever feel this way for someone. 

That winter morning was different;
While all the people were trying to find their staggered steps home, 
You were there looking like as perfect as a snowflake, 
Just like a fairy straight out of a young kids dream. 

I was mesmerised and inert to everything around me; 
We met the next day at a meeting, 
Who knew that fate could play games like this, 
And we would then be more than friends.

From the promises to never leave each other's side;
No matter how extreme it would be, 
I promised you a life full of hardships and hurdles, 
Only to reach us at the top. 

We had loved each other since years; 
But never accepted it and ignored the heart, 
Our hearts had been playing a game all together, 
While the souls chose to suffer. 

You were my only friend; 
Who tried to tame me down during my anxieties, 
And when I at a weak moment couldn't contain it, 
I told you I liked you but never admitted that I loved you.

And then you lashed out; 
it had been 8 years since we knew each other,
And you never told me how you felt, 
You relapsed and hugged me 

We shared a moment which we never should have;
Accepting how we felt only to be feared all our lives,
Asking ourselves one single question if,
What if we ruin it all.