Saturday, 7 February 2015

The Mask That Fell

The Mask That Fell 

As I see this society taking a new shape 
I see the things that this world had never seen 
Even if they did, it remains unspoken of
How people can change in a single whim of a second 

What if I tell you that everything is not what it seems like 

What if I told you that everyone hides behind a projection 
A projection of what people want to show to the world 
A projection of the things they wished they were 

Life is tough 
As every second passes by 
It changes the entire nature of our existance 
Makes us question our life decisions 

Life has many games and deciet is it's favourite 
Where our emotions are played with, destroyed 
And mutilated to such an extent that we can't think of using it again 
In today's day and age only deciet can help you survive 

People are around us 
There for us only when they have something to gain from us 
Life is complicated by the ones who play politics just to gain something mortal
This is the web of deceptions which no one can escape 

No matter how hard you try to escape it 
You get bogged down 
The web is strong enough for you 
Or you have been hurt back with the stab wound still visible

The people who we thought were heroes and have the heart of gold 
Are the ones who are the villan and have the darkest of hearts 
It is not the people in our lives that change 
But it is their mask that falls

While almost all are trying to hide there masks to deciet 
There are only a few who are throwing there masks forever 
As it is not the deeds we do that defines us 
But who we are underneath that defines us