Sunday 30 November 2014

All the world is a stage

All  The World Is A Stage

We all men are mare players
Of a game far afoot 
We all have our own purpose 
With our own stories written by the Lord Almighty

The entire world is o stage
With us being the puppets 
And the strings held by the one man who is our creator 
But at times we forget 
We all value people 
Who are lessons for us 
Who were sent in our life 
And create havoc in our lives 

With those people 
Tormenting and torturing our soul 
Burning the humanity in our body 
Our entire body being teared apart from limb to limb 

And then come people 
Who enter our life to give us a moment of our lifetime 
Those people are sent to make us realize our value
The value which we never estimate 

All the World is a stage 
and all the people are puppets 
Sent in this world for a purpose greater than us 
To keep us grounded and to know what value life has 

Each has it's own entrance and exits 
Decided by the Lord Almighty 
So are the phases of life similar to that of the men 
They would come and go away like the people in our lives 

Thursday 27 November 2014

The Dream


Almost for the half  of our lives
We have chased after things that were not worth our time 
From silly souvenirs to the lust of power 
We have all worked for things that were a dime in a dozen 

We forgot what we all wanted in life 
From things like peace, safety, happiness and prosperity 
Have been replaced by money, greed, power and lust
The innocence has seen its end 

The dreams that were once dreamt 
Are now lost in the sands of time 
The kids we were when we used to dream 
Of a life filled with happiness, love and respect has now been shattered 

We just dream of a life that is just a facade 
It is a life of the people who are under influence of power, greed and hunger of success 
Has life and the growing competition changed us 
Has the humanity and innocence been burned into ashes 

We used to dream
Of a life with the most simplest thing
A life where happiness would be the thing that matter 
And trust will be the statement for life 

But now the dream is gone 
With deception and politics being 
The main agenda in people's lives 
Where no one cares for your happiness and be proud of you when you succeed 

At times how much I pray to god
That if only we could live the dream 
And all the other sins go back to hell
How much I wish that if dreams do come true.

Saturday 22 November 2014

If I'd Only Known

If I'd Only Known

If I'd only known 
That lie would end this way 
I would have done everything to correct all wrongs
If I'd only known 
That this is the edge of patience

I would have done everything 
Everything to make my mistakes go and this feeling fade away 
From the night I hit you and insulted you 
To the night when I left you at the end of the road 

If I'd only known 
That life would have brought me down 
To this where everything seems to fall apart 
Even you are now just a mere memory 

If I'd only known 
That you would be the last good thing god gave me 
I would have made sure that every moment we spent 
Lasted a lifetime

Only if I had not been corrupted 
With suspicion and rage 
I would have kept you near me 
And never would I have treated you like an animal 

If I'd only known 
That this would be the last we would meet 
I would have tried to stop time 
So that I could have spent the entire time looking at you 

If I'd only known that life would never be fair 
I would have kept the faith in it 
Believing that only if you were here with me 
I would have not been alone in this storm 

If I'd only known 
That after this there would have been no us 
I would have wooed you all over again 
Just to stay with the love we had, the moments we shared 
And us being together 

And now life has changed 
And the storm has taken its toll 
Where I am it's latest victim
If only I'd known 
I would have never missed you like this 

Wednesday 12 November 2014

The Hidden Soul In Me

The Hidden Soul In Me 

This is the final straw
With this life beginning to take it's toll 
With friendships being thrown out the window
And life playing its vicious games

Was it always like this 
Or it has suddenly turned it's table
It has been a tough time 
With the game of life not being understood

There is this beast in me
Becoming restless everyday 
Is it me or the devil in me 
That has made me like this 

With all the people around me 
Hurting me be it mentally or physically
Will the beast in me take control 
Or will my life change its tale

It is just like Dr. Hyde and Mr. Jackle

Tuesday 11 November 2014

The Final Stand

The Final Stand

As I see you go away
My heart gets shattered into pieces
With each step you take 
All I can wish is for you to stop

I still wonder what I did wrong
There isn't a day that I don't regret 
The day when you came to know about it 
Broken and decimated I try to tell you everything

God I still repent the day I met her 
She was just a beautiful beast 
Hidden under her was a devil that I never saw 
Never did I wonder that this ship of ours will sink because of her 

It was just a huge mistake 
Never should I have done it 
If only I had control of myself 
If only I could have stopped it 

It was just a sinful night 
And we had just got of our occasional fight
It was never this bad like that night 
I had stormed out of the house 

And I had no place to go 
So i just called her up 
Just asking if I could crash at her place 
Not having a clue of the storm waiting 

We had a normal talk
Had a few shots of whiskey 
And then out of no where we had made out
Not having a clue of its repercussions 

It was the most sinful thing I could only do 
Then out of my own conscience 
I told you of what happened 
Never believing that you would leave me 

Then with your make up running down 
And then the blow that knocked me down 
With a thunderous slap across the face 
You had done nothing wrong 
It was just a devil inside e that possessed me 

I am still here begging for your forgiveness 
Asking you to take me back 
But you are there going 
Here I am taking the last stand to save our relationship  

Sunday 9 November 2014

The Play

The Play
Games are meant for playing 
From Monopoly to Chess 
All these games are for playing 
The fun and joy when you win is surreal

But what if your entire life turns into a game
What if at every step you are just played by others
Like chess what if you are just pawns of a big game
Life is now just a game

Each step has to be measured 
Calculated with ice cold precision
Not knowing what will happen with you 
From your relationship to your life 

The game is sleek and smart 
Whole the worthy shall prosper
And others will perish
This is a play which has to be played carefully

Otherwise the game you have in your mind
Shall engulf you with it's dire consequences
It is tough to know what step to take 
Being in two minds with what is to gain and what is at stake 

Will life always be at verge of falling to the game 
Or will it find out a way to end it once and for all
With innocence, love. honesty and trust perishing before it 
Or will there be an end to all this. 

Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Prison

The Prison

And it starts all over again
When you just sit there 
In a room filled with rage and animosity
And no exit to release it

Ever felt so weak 
That nothing in this life will ever give you strength 
With all the strength drained out of your soul
And you just stand there desperately hoping for help

Life is never all sunshine and rainbows
It is just miserable and stressful 
It is how to face that anger they say it is all about the attitude towards the problem they said
Never it is easy to fight the rage in us

It gets tough with each breath you take 
When all you have is just pain 
Pain that sinks your soul in 
So deep that no one could be able to rescue you

Will this pain ever disappear 
Will this life full of suffering ever end
Or will this be too much to handle that the only way to get it out is to embrace it 
Or the other way is to finish that life full of rage. 

This is a prison of emotions 
That no one can get me out of 
With life breaking me down 
Like never before 

Saturday 1 November 2014

The Fall

The Fall

Will life ever be simple
With it's bag of complexities lost in the sea of time
Will it ever be so simple that no one loses his mind
Just trying to understand it's ploys
It is always a mixbag of emotions 

I never thought that life can be so complicated
And that people would be its slave
It was a normal summer that year 
With people finding ways to kill time 

It was a normal life 
People minding there own problems 
Busy fighting with their own problems 
Living their monotonous lives

Then came a storm 
With the peace thrown away 
People became so hypocritical 
Like never they had been before

People started to fight each other like there is no tomorrow 
Standing for principles that were now questionable 
With a thirst for blood like those fabled creatures 
And then the inevitable happened \
The society fell down with cities in ruins 

The people were on a frenzy to get what they want 
The society fell apart just like a pack of cards 
The beliefs that were inherited from generations were questioned 
And the rationality of their actions asked

It was like a spark to light the fire 
Then life proved one thing that it will change
From a phase of happiness it changed to utter destruction 
Life was a puzzle never meant to be solved